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Five Qualities to Look for in a Weight Loss Program

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that almost 70 percent of US adults are overweight, which contributes greatly to their risk for ongoing health problems. It is common knowledge that we Americans struggle to lose weight, and the struggle gets more and more difficult as we age.

The problem is definitely not a shortage of weight loss programs. In fact, when faced with the sheer volume of information available concerning weight loss, one can easily become overwhelmed. In my search for the best program for me, I considered the following qualities:

1. I want a program that will make me feel my best. I have been on programs that were sheer torture. The feeling of deprivation was so strong that all I could think about was how many more days I had to be on this diet before I could indulge in my cravings again. I would try to distract my mind by keeping busy, but that gnawing feeling of emptiness in my stomach kept bringing me back to thoughts of the food I was craving. I have been on programs that left me feeling very weak and light-headed. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed. Exercise was out of the question. So this time I have made it a requirement that I will find a weight loss program that will give me great energy and peace of mind in knowing that I am giving my body what it needs to function at an optimal level. I want to feel energized and mentally alert without feeling like my heart is pounding out of my chest and feeling like I want to climb the walls.

2. I want a program that will allow me to eat and drink things that taste good. I remember being on a diet that required me to take a shot of barley green every morning. I don't know if you have ever tasted the stuff, but imagine blending up handfuls of grass out of your yard with a little bit of water and guzzling it down first thing in the morning. Oh how I dreaded that! Don't get me wrong. Barley green is great for you. But I don't want to have to force myself to eat or drink horrible tasting products in order to get the health benefit. I want something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life.

3. I want to take supplements that are of the best quality. I do like to take supplements; however, I want them to do what they claim to do. It is easy to find low-cost supplements just about anywhere, but I do believe that you get what you pay for. I have been through my share of worthless supplements that only served to make my urine an interesting color. There was no other benefit. I will pay a higher price for supplements if I know they actually work.

4. I want to eat real food. I have been on programs that consisted of pre-packaged foods. At first it seemed like a neat idea because it was so convenient. And I do like the idea of a healthy meal replacement shake in the morning. This makes meal planning easier. But I don't want to have all of my meals consist of snack bars and packaged convenience foods. I want to be able to eat real food, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy homemade snacks that will nourish my body in a natural way.

5. I want to see results. I have been on programs that have you work out for long periods of time every day. You would think that one would lose a lot of weight. I am the type of person that has to finish something once I start it, no matter how much I hate it. I remember going through a six-week program that made me feel like I was in boot camp. I felt like I was going to die during the workout, and I dreaded the next workout. I could not wait until the six weeks were over. Sadly, at the conclusion of the six weeks, there was no difference in my body and I weighed the same as I did when I started the program. I don't mind doing tough workouts, but by golly, if I do them, I want to see results!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jaylin_Palacio

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